Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Our Adventure Home

7:30am - Wake up and pack
8:30am - Grab breakfast
9:30am - Leave for Orlando Airport
10:00am - Drop off rental car
12:00pm - Depart Orlando for Washington, D.C.
2:15pm - Arrive in Washington, D.C.

So far so good.

2:30pm - Discover our flight to Ottawa has been delayed. It will not arrive in time for us to catch our connecting.
2:45pm - Found customer service desk. We spend 20 minutes speaking with an unhelpful agent who is spending more time complaining about the weather outside (there's an overcast) and talking about her shift ending than she is helping us.
3:00pm - I'm getting impatient and feel myself about to yell at the agent when Sarah pats me on the shoulder and I decide to grab some food across the hall. Sarah stays and patiently deals with the agent.
3:30pm - I bring some food over to Sarah; she's now talking to a second agent who is equally unhelpful. With food in me, I'm a bit more patient and in a better mood.
4:00pm - A third agent finally finds us a route home. She's not very friendly but at least she got the job done. She provides us our boarding pass for the United flight to Toronto and advises us to pick up our Air Canada boarding pass when we arrive in Toronto.
4:40pm - We depart Washington, D.C.

We're glad we have a way home, but are concerned our luggage made it to the flight in time.

6:15pm - Arrive in Toronto. Our luggage is nowhere to be found. I speak with a United Agent who advises the last they scanned it, they had removed it from our original flight to Ottawa. No activity since. Great.
6:30pm - We attempt to check in with the Air Canada agents just outside of customs and obtain our boarding pass. They advise they cannot issue our boarding pass as the United agent did not properly change the itinerary of the original ticket (its still showing us traveling from Washington to Ottawa to Halifax, instead of to Toronto and then Halifax. She advises us to walk across the airport to the United booth to have the itinerary fixed, and then back to the Air Canada booth to check-in.
6:45 - We arrive at the United booth and find noone to help. We call United, I choose International Reservations, I get domestic, have to be manually transferred. United advises everything looks good on their end and provides me a confirmation number to provide the Air Canada agent.
7:00 - Back at an Air Canada booth and telling my tale for the 12th time. Provide the confirmation number, this is of no significance to the Air Canada agent. I call United and advise Air Canada is still not able to check me in (again selecting International Reservation, again routed to Domestic). United provides me a ticket number, Air Canada says this ticket is the problem. United agent sounds like she has an epiphany and places me on hold. 5 minutes later she comes back with a new ticket number; we now have boarding passes for our flight.

Almost there...

10:15pm - We're waiting to board our flight to Halifax in 5 minutes. Announcement that the plane is not serviceable. Our gate is changed to the other side of the airport; there will be a 1.5 hour delay.

We're currently waiting.

It has gotten so absurd, we can't stop laughing.

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