Monday, November 28, 2011

Diploma in Bachelor of Business Administration

2 years ago I received this:

That was the first step in my seemingly never-ending quest for a degree.

Today this came in the mail:

This demonstrates my completion of step 2 of 3 on my way to my degree. You'll notice on this one the words "with distinction". That caught me by surprise as I was not expecting it. It took me awhile on MSVU's website to find out what it means; there's no ready definition. I guess its simply an indication that I kept my GPA above 3.5 while completing this diploma; distinction also comes with a little pewter award:


  1. Well done! Your Mother and I are very proud of your hard work Josh!

  2. Thanks for the information you have shared with us..i really like the blog and the information you have shared with us..

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